Shirley Yarbrough Jordan

While Shirley Rarbrough Jordan might not have garnered the same degree of television prominence as her husband, the esteemed Vernon E. Jordan Jr., former President of the National Urban League, her association with him earned her recognition within the media landscape.

Shirley Yarbrough Jordan’s public presence was primarily intertwined with her husband, Vernon E. Jordan, and like many other relatives of well-known personalities, she found herself in the spotlight, although she preferred to lead a private life away from the prying eyes of the world.

Despite being commonly referred to as Mrs. Jordan, Shirley possessed an individualistic and distinctive personality, separate from her role as a wife. Prior to her battle with multiple sclerosis, she held the position of supervisor and caseworker in the Fulton County Department of Welfare in Atlanta until 1965.

Educated at Harvard University, Shirley Jordan was a woman of great intellect and charisma. Tragically, she was afflicted by the debilitating condition of multiple sclerosis, which progressively impacted her bodily functions.

Notwithstanding her own struggles, Shirley remained actively engaged in social and community organizations in her region. She lent her voice to the Multiple Sclerosis Society, providing support and encouragement to fellow survivors and patients. Through her writing in publications such as Good Housekeeping and Ebony, Shirley shared her experiences with the disease, aiming to empower and uplift women, advocating for their equal standing alongside men.

Shirley Yarbrough Jordan, the beloved wife of Vernon, valiantly fought the ravages of multiple sclerosis before passing away in 1985. Her departure left behind not only a husband with whom she shared a long and fulfilling life but also a daughter, devoted parents, and a cherished sister.

Shirley’s legacy extends beyond her marriage, as she continues to be remembered for her unwavering commitment to social causes and her advocacy for those grappling with the challenges of multiple sclerosis.